Shallipopi Urges Young Artists to Never Give Up on their Dreams

Shallipopi Urges Young Artists to Never Give Up on their Dreams.

Shallipopi, the latest addition to Spotify’s RADAR Africa has advised young and upcoming music acts never to give up their music dreams.
Shallipopi aka Presido De La Pluto said nothing surprises him anymore on the Nigerian music scene saying,

“Nothing surprises me about the music game – I’m enjoying it. The big lesson is not to give up. Just do what you’re doing and listen to the people close to you.”

Expressing excitement as he looks into the future, Shallipopi said,

“I’m excited about everything because this is my dream. Doing music back to back, I’ve been doing music since I was a child so everything about it is exciting.”

Shallipopi, who described his style of music as Afro-talk and experimental, gained popularity through viral freestyles, offering a fresh perspective on street culture and influencing street lingo through his music.

Hailing from the culturally rich Benin City in Edo State, Nigeria, Shallipopi proudly showcases his roots on tracks like “Obapluto,” one of his top five most-listened to songs on Spotify, following “Ex Convict”.

His track “Cast” holds the top spot as his most-streamed song, while his album “Shakespopi,” which has amassed over 13 million streams since its release, further highlights how he adeptly fuses tradition with modernity, and seamlessly blends his cultural heritage with contemporary elements.

Shallipopi’s reach continues to grow, with over 1.9 million additions to playlists in the last 12 months and a global audience led by Nigeria, the United States, the United Kingdom, Ghana, and South Africa over the last 28 days. The street-loved artist is embraced by Gen Z’s with 52% of his listeners aged 18-27 and millennials with 19% at 28-34. He also commands a larger male following at 66% compared to female following at 31% over the last 28 days.

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